Project “Hello”
Project “Hello” offers persons who are shut-in or persons who are
isolated and lonely to be supported by a word of encouragement or
prayer via telephone. Eagle Wings provides a list of persons in
need of support and a listening ear. Phone calls are then made on
a weekly basis. If you would like to be on our list for calls, please let
us know.
Persons served by this project are sometimes so thrilled by the
words of uplifting encouragement and/or prayer! Some have not
even answered the phone – – so that the caller could leave a
message that they could replay each day throughout the week.
The volunteer opportunities for this area of service are especially
designed for those who have the gift of encouraging others who are
not able to get off the house very often and/or have limited contacts
with people in the community. Volunteers, including senior citizens,
could really make a contribution here.
Imagine having the opportunity to make the difference in the life of a
friend who is excited just to hear another person’s voice over the
phone. What a blessing!
Applications are available by calling the Eagle Office at 360.658.6093 or
via our Contact Us page.